Over the many years on my own path of healing and embodied awakening, my exploration of many different spiritual and healing traditions often left me with feelings of confusion around which teaching or form of practice was the “right” one. While I could often RECOGNIZE and experience the benefits of a particular teaching tradition or practice, I would, simultaneously, OFTEN feel at an intuitive level that the particular tradition’s view of wholeness was somehow too narrowly defined or limited in some way. For example, during my trainings in psychotherapy, having already developed a solid meditation practice, I HAD TO discover experientially how this process of emotional and psychological healing could be greatly enhanced if it could be RECOGNIZED as occurring within the ground of our being (the deepest aspect of us that never changes). Similarly, during my many years of exploring meditative traditions, I came to RECOGNIZE that when the wisdom and nuance of my subtle body’s energy was included as an aspect of my meditation practice, it could lead to a much more embodied and richer experience of healing and integration.