Embodying the Nurturer | Online Course | 4 Classes and Meditations

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Embodying the Nurturer | Online Course | 4 Classes and Meditations

Sale Price:$150.00 Original Price:$250.00

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Embodying the Nurturer

In this 4 Week Program we will explore practices that soothe and bring our physical, emotional and psychological selves into rest and ease. Through weekly calls, breakout rooms, discussions and daily somatic practices, the course will support a homecoming to the felt-sense of yourself.

Initially through this lens, we see life from the perspective of, “How can I be kindest to myself in this moment?”, “How can I nourish myself and feel deeply rested in my body?”. It is through the archetype of The Nurturer that we learn to embody and celebrate the tender aspects of ourselves; our receptivity, gentleness and goodness.

From the perspective of the Lenses That Liberate, it is essential that before we consciously move towards healing difficulties and disruptions in our system (which we are often doing unconsciously), that we activate the ground of ease and rest in our nervous system.

We will briefly touch on the foundational practices at this level, exploring how we care for ourselves in our daily life. Fundamentally this means making wise choices in how we eat, our sleeping habits, getting regular exercise, connecting with others in nourishing ways, engaging with ourselves with kindness and respect and any of the other healthy ways that bring us to inner harmony. Through specific practices, we start to experience a deep sense of belonging at this level, to the earth, to our family and community and we regain a sense of our own inherent goodness as a person.

The majority of the course will then focus inwardly on the deeper practices for this lens. This involves developing a relationship with the archetypal centers for the Nurturer and bringing our body and mind into a state of calm and rest, allowing our threshold for somatic enjoyment and grounded pleasure to grow. Each time we practice, we loosen the edges of our resistance to feeling good in our body. Gradually, feeling rested becomes our default way of relating to ourselves and ultimately, through this archetype, we move towards a place where our life itself becomes a unique expression of the goodness of the universe.

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