Once we're familiar with each one of these lenses, we can start to work with them relationally. And each one of these lenses has a different way of relating to the world around us. It's obviously important before we explore that, that we have a very good grasp of how to be in that lens by ourselves first. Once we have that grasp, we can start to explore it relationally.
And so starting with the first lens, the lens of the Sage, through the lens of the Sage, we're accessing that place inside of us that never changes, the ground of our being. We first learn to access that deeply, to dive into it and become it. Then when we're relating from that lens with other people, we can become like a sacred mirror to them. Because we are open and empty, we are simply sacredly reflecting what's in our environment at that moment. So it's a very deep mirror, it's a very deep openness to this is how we can engage to this first lens with people being like a sacred mirror.
Through the second lens, the lens of The Nurturer, again, we're able to access that state of natural well-being, that deep inherent goodness of beingness itself, we're able to tune into that in our bodies. And then when we're around other people, we're able to notice it fundamentally and others. So even if somebody is having a hard time, we're able to notice that inherent in everybody is this goodness, we're able to focus our attention, they're not to the exclusion of anything else, which is bringing that to the foreground.
Through the lens of the Warrior, accessing the more masculine qualities inside of us, we're able to lean back into those qualities rest there and become them. And then we're able to step back into our own nobility, our own inner sovereignty and our being within a able to notice that and other people. That everyone and everything, just by its own existence, has its own inherent dignity. It has its own sovereignty. It's like we're able to bow to that, and everyone and everything we see just the dignity of being itself in our daily lives and whatever we're encountering.
Through the lens of the Alchemist, we're able to touch the humanity of other people. Through these practices, were able to open our hearts and open to our own humanity, our own suffering. And so through the fourth lens, we're able to engage with people through that way. Because we know how to hold our own pain, we're able to be with others in that way too, without feeling overwhelmed.
Through the lens of the Shaman. First we get deeply in touch with our own energetic felt sense. Relating to ourselves as energy. As a sense of I am this before the sense that it's solidified in the body, we are primarily an energetic being. And we learn how to relate to ourselves that way. Similarly, we can start to see the world and other people in that way. What's it like to relate to others as energy to be noticed other people's energy coming towards us, retracting away from us? How much space are they taking up energetically, we get to notice these things and we get to be with them in this mode of being.
Through the lens of the Seer. First examining the core substructures of our own mind, asking ourselves questions like Who am I? Or what is pain? What is difficulty really questioning these core beliefs we have an entering into the core of them in our bodies. And then we can start to approach others and the world around us an extremely curious way. We become curious, childlike, almost about everything. What is that? What is somebody suffering? Who exactly is in front of me? Why What is life in this moment, these sort of questions we can engage with, with our environment in a very open and honest and vulnerable way.
And then through the last lens, the lens of the mystic, firstly, we start to see our own perfection, we start to see the order of things inside of us. We start to restore our faith in the natural order of things inside of us through different practices. And then we can start to see others in the environment around us, as exactly as it should be in any moment. And so on relating to another person from the depth of this lens, we can really see them as complete as lacking nothing fundamentally, even though they may have difficulties, we can stay through that lens with the underlining perfection inside of them. And so all seven of these ways can be engaged with the environment in this way. And we learn to be proficient in all of them. We can rest in the integrated self, that space that's even deeper, that's able to use any of these lenses in any moment, to relate to the environment to people around us. But it's not bound by any of them. It's deeply free. And so these are ways in which we can start to use these lenses that we've been cultivating to start to relate to our environment more fully.